Peanut Butter-Chocolate Oat Muffins

  Mauris pretium est a elit aliquam ut porttitor purus hendrerit. Cras sem orci, posuere ac imperdiet sit amet, dapibus in lorem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque vel mauris leo, quis placerat neque. Praesent ipsum leo, venenatis at vulputate eget, tristique a purus. Maecenas euismod pulvinar massa nec consectetur. … [Read more...]

Smoked Trout Dip

Mauris pretium est a elit aliquam ut porttitor purus hendrerit. Cras sem orci, posuere ac imperdiet sit amet, dapibus in lorem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque vel mauris leo, quis placerat neque. Praesent ipsum leo, venenatis at vulputate eget, tristique a purus. Maecenas euismod pulvinar massa nec consectetur. Curabitur mollis … [Read more...]

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

  Everyone in the family called her May--her children's shortcut for mommy that, over the years, morphed into what became everyone's nickname for her.  She passed away seven years ago after feeling unwell for some time without anyone having a clue.  It wasn't until my grandfather found her collapsed on the bathroom floor one fateful night that her condition was discovered.  I had just … [Read more...]

Rosemary-Parmesan Roasted Chickpeas

  My neck of the woods is abuzz with anticipation of Super Bowl Sunday--loyal fans eager to see their 49ers play (win?) in just a couple of days.  I haven't followed football much since leaving home in my early 20s but I am every bit a fan (my family would disown me otherwise).  I may not yell loudly at the television like my father who fancies himself a coach and I may not own a closetful … [Read more...]